Earn Some Dough. Join Our Affiliate Program.

Join the Friends of ZippyAssist affiliate program and earn money by helping businesses join the customer service revolution in Unattended Retail and Self-Service environments.

Ready to Get Earning?

Get Started

Earn a 20% commission on all referrals for 24 months.
See our Affiliate Terms for details.

ZippyAssist Affiliate Program.

How It Works.

Start earning passive income by promoting, advocating, and championing ZippyAssist to your colleagues and contacts in the industry.

1. Join the Program

Submit your registration for the Friends of ZippyAssist affiliate program. Once your registration is approved you'll gain access to your Affiliate Dashboard, where you can find your affiliate link and coupon code to share with your network.

Click here to register.

2. Promote Zippy

Invite your friends, colleagues, and contacts in the industry to use your affiliate link or coupon code to signup for a free 14 day trial of ZippyAssist.

New ZippyAssist customers who signed up via your affilite link or coupon code will be linked to your affiliate account.

3. Earn Commission

Earn 20% commission on revenues & enjoy passive income from your referrals for 24 months.

You'll be able to track leads, sales, and commissions on your affiliate dashboard

How Much Could You Earn?

Your earning potential is based on your ability to introduce new business to ZippyAssist.

How much you earn is based on the revenue from those referrals.

Person walking up steps to their goal.

Some Example Earning Scenarios*.

The examples below illustrate just a few of the potential outcomes of participating in the program. If you have a network and audience who could benefit from ZippyAssist, join up today.

Sally: experienced vending operator.

Sally is an experienced operator who adopted ZippyAssist for her own business – and loves it! She invites a few of her industry friends to try ZippyAssist – all three signup for Zippy Grow for $195.00 per month. Two of those convert to paying customers after the free trial ends.

In this scenario, Sally could earn $78.00 each month from two paying customers, or $1,872.00 over the program maximum of 24 months.

Paul: industry consultant.

Through his work in the industry, Paul comes into contact with many operators – almost all would benefit from Zippy. He manages to introduce and convert one new customer each month over the period of a year, each paying $395.00 per month for Zippy Pro.

By the end of the year, Paul is earning $948.00 each month in passive income from those 12 referrals.

Alex: industry service provider.

Alex provides hardware and servicing solutions to the industry, and has a large network of contacts. He introduces ZippyAssist to his network, and among them:

  • Five sign up for Zippy Launch ($95.00 per month)
  • Five for Zippy Grow ($195.00 per month)
  • Five for Zippy Pro ($395.00 per month)

From these 15 referrals, Alex is earning $685.00 each month.

*NOTE. Examples are fictional and provided for illustrative purposes only. Commissions earned are based on actual subscription revenue from referrals in accordance with the Affiliate Terms of the programe. See Affiliate terms for details.

How to Succeed as a ZippyAssist Affiliate.

ZippyAssist is proven and trusted technology that helps both businesses and end-users.

Here are just a few ideas for you to start referring people from your personal and professional network. Don't forget to always use your affiliate link or custom promo code, which you'll find at your Friends of ZippyAssist affiliate dashboard.

Share With Your Inner Circle

Tell your work colleagues and industry connections about Zippy and the benefits it brings to both businesses and end-users. If you have first-hand experience with Zippy, use that, or check out the ZippyAssist blog for case studies and testimonials – there is lots of customer validation for you to use.

Post a Blog or Social Story

Do you have an audience on social or a blog? Post about the challenges and benefits of supporting customers, highlighting your experiences with ZippyAssist, or the experiences of other companies who use and recommend Zippy.

Think of New Markets

Introduce ZippyAssist to customers in potential new markets. Zippy simply makes it easy for someone to reach out for help and support in any unattended environment. This could be an office to support office equipment (photocopiers, printers), school equipment and facilities, car cleaning and valet, water dispensers and ice-making, facilities maintenance – their is lots of opportunity out there!

Become a ZippyAssist Affiliate

Join the Friends of ZippyAssist affiliate program and start earning.

Sign Up Today

Free to join. Earn 20% on revenue from referrals for up to 24 months.
See Affiliate terms for details 

Affiliate Program FAQs.

Who can become an affiliate?

Anyone can become an affiliate, but you'll most likely be successful if you are integrated into an industry connected to self-service or unattended service environments, and have a network of contacts, colleagues, or are an influencer.

When are affiliates paid?

Commissions are paid monthly, within 60 days of the last day of the month in which they are earned. Commissions totaling less than $100 will accrue until a minimum payout of $100 is reached.

What is an affiliate link?

Affiliate links are unique URLs that identify different affiliates. They help track which affiliate referred a new customer, ensuring the correct affiliate receives a commission from qualifying revenue.

Affiliates can find their unique links and coupon codes on the affiliate dashboard after joining the program. They then share these links and codes to promote ZippyAssist to their network.

What is the affiliate dashboard?

Once an affiliate is registered and approved for the program, they will be able to log into our affiliate dashboard where they can:

· Access their affiliate links, or create new ones
· Track referrals they have generated, sales from referrals, and commissions earned
· Access a special affiliate coupon code they can use to incentivise new customers

Where do my affiliate commissions come from?

You earn commissions from the subscription payments of new sign-ups you bring to ZippyAssist using your affiliate links or coupon codes (found on your affiliate dashboard). Commissions are not earned from other revenue sources like fees, custom development, services, consultation, onboarding, materials, or customer refunds.

How are affiliates paid?

Commission payments are made to your PayPal account.

How long does the cookie last?

Visitors have 90 days to sign up for ZippyAssist after clicking on your affiliate link. Sale attribution is based on last-click, unless a coupon code is used, in which case attribution is by coupon code.

Someone I referred did not use my affiliate link or coupon code when signing up for ZippyAssist. Can you add the user to my affiliate account retroactively?

No, unfortunately, this isn’t possible. The new customer must use your unique affiliate link or coupon code when sigining up in order to be added to your affiliate account.

Can I run paid ads on my affiliate link?

Yes, but you have to follow the rules that are part of our Affiliate Terms, including the requirement to clearly identify yourself as an affiliate and earn commission on qualifying sales. You must also ensure that you do not identify yourself as associated with the owners of ZippyAssist, 6L Inc., beyond the scope of the affiliate program.

Can I earn commission from my own payments as a ZippyAssist customer?

No, affiliates cannot earn commissions on their own purchases.

6L Inc. brandmark

6L Inc. • www.zippyassist.com • PO Box 1916, Pleasanton, CA 94566

HQ’ed in California. Designed and built in Aotearoa New Zealand.

© 6L Inc. .